Sunday, March 22, 2009

March 21.2

I have been watching a lot of TV on the computer the last few days in a valiant effort to procrastinate writing my thesis. I have also over-indulged on coffee, which makes me frenetic and obsessive when I have an empty stomach.

TV intrigues me. I guess this is because I grew up without one, but why isn't really so important. Because I have, in the past, had friends who were really into Grey's Anatomy, it's a show I'm more likely to watch than others, since I'm somewhat familiar with the characters.

I guess what really amazes me about these shows is how obsessive people are over them. I mean, all of the major characters have decent-length Wikipedia pages. That's insane.

But what intrigues me most is how much of them are simply the writers playing with the people in the audience. People watch these shows uncritically! Take for example, what I gather has happened in this season of Grey's Anatomy:

Izzy, who is dating Alex begins having hallucinations of the heart disease-ridden fiance that she accidently killed, but the slutty, bi-sexual bitch intern fucked up the charts, so she didn't find out as soon as she should have. Then Grey's boyfriend got in a fist-fight with his best friend who previously had slept with his previous wife but is now dating Grey's younger half sister, and then he went out to this trailer he has and got drunk a whole bunch of days in a row. And this bone doctor in the meantime has discovered she's lesbian and her first female lover left and now she's totally into this obnoxiously happy hot blond doctor who kissed her in a bar bathroom, but this is all after she ran away to Vegas and married a former intern who later divorced her for the girl that has cancer that is now dating someone else.

What the fuck. Life is not like this. It's such an intentional trainwreck all the time. And all of these fake things have wikipedia pages.

But trainwrecks make me think of The Great Collision by Scott Joplin, and that's something without a wikipedia page. But the event it was written about did. Why not try enjoying a little bit of Texas history.

1 comment:

teeney said...

God. I have got to start editing. That is a poorly written post.