Tuesday, April 21, 2009

April 21

Whenever my life gets too serious, I watch this music video. It's sort of a happy version of West Side Story, but with Jermaine Jackson and some angry white "men." It's also sort of like The Lost Boys, but without the vampires.

In doing my research, I came across quite a few articles on Pia Zadora. Apparently, she had it all, except a music career: good looks, great style, and a rich husband.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

April 8

Phi Beta Kappa.

It doesn't feel like anything.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

April 4

I decided that I am going to move to San Antonio after I graduate, at least for a year, to continue researching this topic.

I foresee the next year of my life alone in an apartment with Tolstoy and Edwige, stuck in a town with nothing to do and knowing no one, with a super platinum Netflix account.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April 1: My new favorite person

Last night, while Tony and I were indulging our egos and flattering ourselves, he mentioned that his older brother had once taken a creative writing class. This class involved writing weekly, as well as reading, revising, and editing the papers that other students turned in during the same class. Tony's brother, indulging his ego and flattering himself, took to making these suggestions and revisions in a gold pen. From then on, he took to calling these corrections "The Gold Standard."

What a badass.