Saturday, September 6, 2008

Okay. I know this is my third post today, but...

Browing bicycling Reddit, I came across this story, which I found interesting (it's on bicycling safety). In any case, I did not notice the photo's caption, until Charles pointed it out to me:

President George W. Bush fell off his mountain bike and down a hill in May 2004.
This set me off googling for results about his bicyle fall. I stumbled upon this Washington Post article, which contained this gem:

In January 2002, Bush was on the third floor of the White House residence, watching a football playoff game between the Baltimore Ravens and Miami Dolphins when he choked on a pretzel. This caused him to faint and fall, bruising and scraping his face. Bush was accompanied only by dogs Spot and Barney.

I then found this article mocking the situation, and topped it all off by finding this photo of Bush on an Israeli bicycle.

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